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Old 09-26-2016, 06:53 PM
cajunduck man cajunduck man is offline
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Originally Posted by T-Boo View Post
Fished 7:20am-1pm with the wife.
Boated 11 bass total (her 3, me 8) and kept only two. Most were caught south of I-10 (including both of the keepers) using Texas-rigged worms.
Action slowed at around 11:30.
The only pic I took was of a rainbow over the Burnt-Out Bridge.
Also, a minor rant:
At the launch, there are two (2) signs that say "No Parking Past Signs" (or something like that). There is one posted prominently on each side of the road. At the dock, there are prominent signs that say "No Fishing/ Crabbing From Dock" (or something to that effect).
I find it interesting that the people who fish from the dock are also the ones who park behind the signs.
I could really care less if someone fishes or does whatever from the dock, but it's difficult to launch with vehicles parked there.
It caused a mild discussion between myself and another gentleman a few weeks ago.

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Well I just go to Orange and launch there. Good launches at the public launch across from the Burn Out Bridge Canal, or farther down a Lottie's.
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