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Old 10-05-2016, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by ckinchen View Post
I'm guilty of not posting my hunting reports on here or facebook most of the time because I don't want to pay more for my lease next time or have it taken from me. No doubt if I run offshore and catch trout and tell people where I caught them on the internet every rig will have four boats the next day. I like to see fish being caught when I don't see any fish being caught I know its not a good time. If I know it's hot somewhere it's up to me to figure it out.
that's very understandable with hunting as the lease owners can be a fickle bunch

as to fishing reports, just keep it very generalized, that's all that is needed and what the guides do. those of us reading the reports go to our own spots mostly anyway, we just need the generalities like if its too early or late and not worth going out there yet or if the bite is better in morning or afternoon and what baits and colors are working best at the time. I agree if you say where a spot is, it will have 20 boats there every day for the next 6 months and no longer be fishable
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