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Old 10-19-2016, 07:54 AM
swampman46 swampman46 is offline
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Originally Posted by pricecb View Post
The odd man out can't figure out why others have these expectations. Drop a few hundred on a guide that only pilots a boat. Doesn't give pointers and is in a hurry to get back to the dock. Just an FYI most people that book trips are looking for more than a quick limit. Even the best guide can't teach years of experience and technique in a trip or two.

Every guide worth his salt looks at clients as a base for repeat business and referrals. (Like it or not it's a sales job). I don't think many customers are trying to steal the trade from the guide they are wanting to maximize the experience.

Guide should also show them the nature and the beauty that's is around them during the trip. A little history about the area never hurts and in our particular area should always talk about coastal erosion.

And of course most importantly SAFETY FIRST.
Easy cheezy...not looking for an argument here, but you only see things from one direction. It stands to reason, the more a person learns from the guide...the less he needs a guide. No? Just seems counter productive from a guide's standpoint. Those that are good at fishing, and know the "spots", aren't hiring guides. Bottom line is...if a guide puts me on the fish that I hired him for, he's done his job IMO.
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