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Old 03-29-2017, 08:05 PM
cajunduck man cajunduck man is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Moss Bluff
Posts: 121
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I was out there also on Sunday...first time in years that I perch jerked. Kept 25 goggle-eyes and 12 sac-a-lait. Lost count of how many I threw back. I was using a "Courtney Rod" that Mr. J.D. Courtney built for me about 15 years ago; it took me a while to get used to it. Caught everything on a tube jig about 16 inches deep. I launched at about 7:45 and I had to park pretty far down the road from the launch. And yes, the majority of people would slow down as they got close to me but there is always a few that seem to be on a mission and only know two speeds...stop and wide open; some people just don't have any couth.
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