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Old 04-12-2017, 07:06 AM
Feesherman Feesherman is online now
King Mackeral
Join Date: Jun 2009
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The flight was not overbooked. The flight was full of paying customers. United had a sick crew in Kentucky and decided to bump 4 paying customers off the plane to solve it's staffing issues. They could have put them in car and drove them 4 hours to their destination. They could have chartered a private flight. They could offered up better incentives to get 4 volunteers to give up their seat. Instead they did what any sensible company would do to solve their staffing issues, they jack booted 4 customers off the plane assaulting one in the process. Makes no matter what this dudes past is, no one knew that at the time. He will be compensated nicely and United better hope he don't have any blood born illness or United will pay everyone on that plane A LOT through that class action lawsuit. They could have offered some decent incentives to get volunteers, instead they lost over 200 million in the expected stock plummet.
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