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Old 05-23-2017, 11:41 AM
me1ancon me1ancon is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Mire, LA
Posts: 55
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unfortunately defects do occur from time to time but part of the reason for "buying a name" is service after the sale. I, thankfully, have never had any trouble with my hull but i did go through some trouble with my engine (but that's a whole other story)

Given the location you're fishing i am pretty certain we are talking about the same dealer. the only advice i can offer is to stay on top of the nautic star rep you were speaking with. DO NOT EXPECT ANY HELP FROM THE DEALER. These folks have a history of taking care of their select buddies but if you're not in you're out; and buying a boat from them does not qualify you as in.

If you do have records of times in shop, service orders, and times/dates you've contacted folks this should definitely get worked out. you probably will have to bring in a lawyer- the sooner you do the sooner it will get resolved. Although it will not be easy and you probably will have to got without a boat for a while. however, the more leg work you can knock out (collecting data and paperwork) the more billable hours you can save.

good luck- keep us posted
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