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Old 05-30-2017, 04:23 PM
airborneduckhunter airborneduckhunter is offline
Join Date: Apr 2017
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Default Intracoastal Canal 5-27

I knew it was gonna be windy so decided to try something different. Took some carb nets with my to try and get a few crabs for bait to try something new. I figured my best bet to keep from getting beat to death in the boat was to stay in the Intracoastal. Caught a few crabs and went west away from the launch maybe a half mile or so. Put a couple lines out with the kids. Got slightly distracted changing my youngest's diaper and felt something bump me in the back. Turned around to see my new rod and reel go flying off the deck in a hurry. Pouted about it for about ten minutes then put another rod out with a good grip on it.a short while later this monster decided he wanted to eat on the half of a crab I had out and we had a good fight. Only fish on this trip, but it was a blast. Definitely gonna do the crab thing again. Was hoping for more action, but it was my first trip. I now know more than I did before. Not sure of exact size/weight, but I'd guess between 40-50lbs.

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