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Old 09-28-2017, 07:43 PM
cajun bill cajun bill is offline
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Originally Posted by eman View Post
As a veteran, when the anthem is played i stop what i am doing take my cap off and stand w/ my hand over my heart . ( yes at home too). Same when taps is played. stand at attention. when i am at a parade and the colors pass i salute.
Do expect everyone to do the same? No. But i don't approve of anyone calling attention to themselves during the anthem either.
Ditto. As a fellow veteran, I pause when the anthem is played on tv, but I don't stand and put my hand over my heart, but if i'm wearing a hat, I do take it off. I reserve the standing and placing my hand over my heart for when I am actually in the presence of the flag, rather than looking at digital pixels. And yes, when taps are played at vet's funerals, I place my hand over my heart. I've always been taught that to salute, one has to be on active duty, but perhaps I am wrong. Since Alphaman is the one that stirred this up, I ask him, "are you a vet?" If not, how can you judge those that are? Just wondering.
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