Thread: First deer hunt
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Old 12-13-2009, 07:10 PM
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Default First deer hunt

I went on my first hunt this weekend hoping to get my first deer. I really wanted to mount my first deer so I waited for the big one. I got in my stand at 2:00 Saturday and at 4:45 in the evening 2 does finally stepped out. My heart started beating 100 mph cause I knew he wouldn't be far behind. 5:10 he stepped out and I waited patiently for a good shot as he moved along the edge of the woods headed toward me. While watching him I noticed 4 more bodies coming out about 30 to 40 yards behind him about the same place he and the others came out but with the sun going down very fast and the rain and light fog rolling in I couldn't tell if they were male or female or even how big. After watching them for a minute I could no longer find the buck. This morning we had a very thick fog. I climbed in my stand at 5:30 and didn't see anything untill 9:15. 2 does again but this time one was very big so I decided to just take her cause I was getting very anxious. I set my gun up, got her in my crosshairs, and my damn scope fogged up on me. They came out of the woods walked across the road and straight in the woods on the other side and never stopped. Had to leave at 11:00 and never saw anything else. I deffinatly don't have beginers luck but it was fun and I have never been so excited before in my life!
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