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Old 01-20-2016, 12:45 AM
kcinnick kcinnick is offline
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Depends on what happened. I am sure something is recoverable, a bit dragging company would be the best and most expensive. If the drive will power up, shadow recovery software will work, there are plenty of free and cheap options out there. Without knowing what happened, if it was software related, a hardware failure, virus there is no way to know for sure what method to go with. There are also some companies that will look at the drive for free and tell you if something is recoverable, and then charge you for the amount of data recovered. If you have any more details, it would help. Also, back ups are CHEAP. They are cheaper today than they were when your drive crashed, no excuse not to have back ups, as I type from one of my computers that doesn't have a back up.... but I run 4 laptops and 6 workstations for business purposes. All the important computers have back ups. I just use this thing for surfing and ordering stuff.
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