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Old 02-27-2010, 01:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Salty View Post
It depends on the quality of the paper to be removed as to which is the best process. If the walls were "sized" (primed) properly when hanging, it should come off the opposite as it went up. However, that is seldom the case. If the paper is vinyl-faced, wetting it will not work. You will have to gently pull the face of the paper apart from the backing. The backing will stay on the wall. Once you remove the face, you can take a spray bottle or bug sprayer and wet the backing and it will peel off like a parachute. If the paper is not vinyl-faced, you can wet it using the same process and the water will soak through to the backing. DO NOT use one of the many scratching tools provided for wallpaper removal. They actually cut through vinyl-faced paper to let the water get to the backing. What this does is it cuts your drywall more and more the wetter it gets. Then, you have drywall repair to deal with. Once you remove the paper, take a sponge or rag and wipe the glue off the wall. Holler at me if I can assist more. Good luck.
Sounds like you did this once or twice.........
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