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Old 01-31-2011, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Opinions_Vary View Post
242.8 had a slow week and don't know why, didn't change anything... Hope I do better this week.
i have been doing some pretty extensive research on making this lifestyle change. One of the common themes I am seeing is that it is imperative you eat enough calories. Apparently, there is a thing called "starvation mode" that your body can get into if you are not eating enough calories after you factor in the calories burnt from exercise. I can attest to the fact that since I started upping my calorie count to make up for what I burned I have been losing weight at a more rapid pace. I would suggest logging all your calories on either or I use MFP has an app for the Iphone making in quick and easy. Seeing what goes in and comes out everyday not only makes me accountable it also has helped me get the most bang for my buck. Sorry for the long post I just want to help if I can.
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