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Old 06-30-2015, 02:53 PM
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Originally Posted by duckman1911 View Post
Couldn't find the link on my phone. If I have no shoes, shirt, clothes on period and I'm on my phone and you ask me to leave aren't you at that point discrimating against me and my lifestyle? As long as I'm not threatening anyone it should be ok. If I'm minding my own business and grocery shopping naked I should be left alone right? If you say no because that's offense just ask a nudist if they feel the same way.
Not the same. It depends on what the anti-discrimination law of your state, city, or whatever is. It's usually something like can't discriminate on the basis of race, gender, or religious preference, or whatever.

Shoes, shirts, sagging pants, drunk, talking on cellphones aren't covered under that. That is why on your business you can have a sign that says No Shirt No Shoes No Service, or No Sagging, etc. because you aren't discriminating against anyone's race or religion. You can't have a sign that says No Muslims or No Hispanics though

And as far as walking around in a grocery store naked, that is illegal. Doesn't matter if you are black, white, or gay, or trisexual, you are getting arrested for public indecency
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