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Old 08-21-2013, 09:28 AM
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Clampy Clampy is offline
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Social Objection to Ending Prohibition
“What about the ‘gateway theory’ that says all marijuana users go on to hard drugs?”
Fact: this theory has been debunked over and over. Read this excerpt from Drug War Facts for numerous Ph.D. research disproving the so-called “gateway theory.”
Conclusion: the so-called “gateway theory” is nothing more than an attempt to make people afraid of marijuana, a slander that it will somehow cause insatiable interest in consuming any and every drug. That is a lie, it does not cause a person to want to try other drugs.
What are the real reasons the so-called “gateway theory” came in to being?
Some people tried marijuana and found it to be nothing like the fear mongers claimed. Those people supposed the fear-mongers were lying about other drugs and tried those out of curiosity, not due to something inherent in marijuana.
Due to drug prohibition, the black-market controls the sale of all illegal drugs. Since drug dealers, like every other for-profit enterprise, seem to only care about profits, they have a financial incentive to steer customers towards substances that bring them greater profits.
- Christian's against Prohibition

This thread is a gateway to a headache.

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