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Old 04-16-2014, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Clampy View Post
Prison guards shouldn't lobby to keep laws that the majority of citizens don't like either.
Everyone, even special interests should be free to lobby the legislature for the laws they think are right. This is just free speech and due process.

But wildlife regulations that are set by an executive branch bureaucracy should be subject to stricter scrutiny because they have the force of law (criminal penalties) without the benefit of due republican processes.

When a lobbying group gets too cozy with an executive branch bureaucracy and the bureaucracy is protecting the lobbying group's cash cow, and the lobbying group is supporting revenue increases for the bureaucracy, then due process and transparent government has been circumvented. The tight relations between CCA and LWF Commission has essentially shut out both scientific data and meaningful input from other stakeholders. Prying the lovers apart is the next step in making progress.
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