Thread: Ducks Unlimited
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Old 08-26-2018, 02:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Andrepont42 View Post
That?s the exact same way I feel man. I always hear people saying DU is garbage for southern duck hunters and they do this whole list of bizarre things;however, I have never been able to read something from an legit biologist proofing anything.
Then people argue that it?s unethical that DU has private owned leases just for their biologist, the heelies that support them, memebers they invite etc. I feel like if you bust your *** and devote your life to preserving waterfowl, you should maybe be able to buy private leases. I bet Michael Jordan has his own basketball court and I bet he doesn?t just let anyone play on it.

Michael Jordan used his own money to buy whatever he has... He didn't charge his fans "dues" to get the cash . Whatever the reason for the bad duck hunting the sad fact is that we will tell our great grandchildren about the hordes of Louisiana ducks from back in the 90's and it will be hard for them to even comprehend. Just like how we read in history books that panthers, buffalo and elk once roamed wild all over Louisiana a few hundred years ago.

If things keep going the way they are, in 50 years we'll have about as many duck hunters in Louisiana as there are in downtown Manhattan. That breaks my heart but its the truth.
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