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Old 10-14-2013, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by jlsch1 View Post
This is the new America.
This program should be for elderly, true poor not thugs that think poor, and sick.
Sad part is program goes out to none of the above.
People who really need the services would not do this.
The people that did this are the entitled people.
These programs Section 8, food stamps, etc to keep people in a voting pool happy.

Nothing will come of this incident.
Funny how the word spread fast I think Wal-mart encouraged this activity.
Wal-mart gambled over greed and lost big time.
Will they file charges no due to they are just as guilty by not following the rules.
I think local law enforcement should send bills to the Wal-marts for the extra security they had to provide due to their greed.
This drop in the bucket because Wal-mart will get more money from their vendors to pay for this and consumer will pay for this.
Why do you think they have A,B,C prices depending on the stores location?
A lower price in competitive market and you guess it C prices are for less competitive markets.
They will still try to file suit against Xerox.
Still the choice of right and wrong was left up to the individual. The people stealing are the ones to blame. I dont think walmart will profit from this. The state will not honor the over charges and walmart will have to eat the loss. I just dont see walmart corporate being on the ball on this. Now Tyone and Shaniqua can organise their EBT army in minutes using their iphones.
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