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Old 04-15-2014, 08:08 PM
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Default Another Reason to Boycott S.T.A.R.: Tripletail regulations passed

Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
Since it has received minimal public notice, I will mention that CCA succeeded in getting their tripletail restrictions passed. In Louisiana, it is no longer legal to keep more than 5 tripletail or to keep individuals shorter than 18". Both LDWF and CCA have been keeping this quiet, but the new regulation was published in the Louisiana Register in February, making it official and binding.

I should confess that I bought the LWF's head fake on this. After spearheading a letter writing campaign to the commission members, I double checked the LWF Commission agenda the morning of the September meeting and noticed that tripletail had been taken off the published agenda. Rather than stay in Baton Rouge for the meeting, I headed for Big Lake since it was the first chance to take my children fishing for inshore species since July. Notice the conspicuous absence of the minutes from the September meeting at the LDWF web site. I won't be fooled again.

CCA is committed to increasing regulation on sporting anglers even in cases where the resources are abundant and there is no scientific data suggesting current harvest levels are not sustainable. They have considerable influence with the LWF Commission but they are using it to push personal agendas rather than data driven resource conservation.

I don't have a single email about triple tail hearings or any updates on ANYTHING going back 12 full months.

Plenty of stuff on Vitter and red smaller though, as well as all the early bird winners for STAR (giving away yetis) and women's tagging workshops.

Your points are very interesting, especially the fact that September is missing altogether...
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