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Old 08-20-2013, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
If Federal law makes it legal and puts a age on it...not much we can say

Will Federal ever make it legal, I don't see it in the near future. So until then its an illegal drug that calls for jail time ! So you can not compare weed vs alcohol
50% of the US population are in favor of legalizing marijuana, up from 12% ~50 years ago, the current standings of the vote on this thread support that. A federal legalization may be closer than you think.

You can disagree with the legalization, and you can disagree with the viewpoints set forth. Disagreeing with the data is a lot more difficult.

Keep in mind that the majority vote on this thread is for the legalization of marijuana along with federal penalties to be imposed on supplying to minors.

Quite a few statements here have thrown libertarians into the realm of Anarchists, this is a misconception an somewhat of an insult to Libertarians. We are all for mandates where they make "scents", but actively stand in opposition to government intrusion that has no logical reasoning and is implemented solely on the basis of morality and feel good legislation.

The fears set being propagated in a lot of these arguments are as fundamentally sound as the fears put forth in the gun control argument. Gun control activists have never held a gun, or been around a gun, yet they induce fear into those with a similar lack of real life experience in the same exact manner that those who have never felt or experienced the effects of pot...

The continuation of criminalizing a substance that is proven to be less threatening than alcohol is purely based on ignorance. The fact that other countries have decriminalized the substance and have seen only positive results in the form of reduced disease, dependency and crime, as well as the increase in revenue and safety is a testament to how effective the fear mongers and moral "superiors" have been in their attack on a substance they actually have no knowledge of - their so called knowledge is not based on experience, it's based on biased information that they don't care to counter study.

Where is the wisdom we've lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we've lost in information?
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