Thread: Jeb Bush
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Old 02-22-2016, 03:15 PM
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Reggoh Reggoh is offline
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I tend to lean towards conservative views... I'm not sure who I want to win the Republican nomination yet... but I have a theory about Donald Trump.

I've heard a lot of people talk about him changing his views on some issues from several years ago... I think his EGO is so big that those changes won't matter... He will strive to be remembered as the greatest president to ever live... that is just his nature... and that will obviously mean he will need to work hard to fulfill all of his campaign promises. He will want to stand in front of a podium every January and tell the whole world how wonderful he is and how he is doing exactly what he said he would do.

He is the only person running that is NOT a politician... that is why he is so popular
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