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Old 08-15-2013, 05:27 PM
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Default cmon mg

My case that drugs should remain illegal is framed around three basic ideas:
1. Many recreational drugs do harm that goes far beyond the individual user and greatly increase the likelihood that the individual user will become an undue burden on his employer, his family, his insurers, his landlord, his creditors, other associations (school, sports, religious), and society as a whole. Making and enforcing effective laws against driving under the influence is a particular challenge.
2. Laws train the conscience of young people, and many teenagers approach adulthood with the notion that if an act is truly wrong or dangerous, then it is against the law. Once legalized, there will be many more users both because the conscience will more easily accept drug use, and because drugs are more widely available.
3. As a practical matter, substances that are legal for adults are much more easily acquired by minors. Laws against alcohol and nicotine use by minors are very rarely enforced, and I would hate for those providing marijuana to children to face no more penalty or effective enforcement than those providing cigarettes.

I agree with the #1 point about testing for dui of drugs. I don't want someone influenced by coke, weed, or heroin driving around any more than I want someone under the influence of alcohol driving around. I think the lack of an effective analyzer for a "right now" yes/no wether a person is high is the #1 roadblock for drug legalization. Like Clampy said.....smoking a joint on saturday night far less negatively impacts my ability to do my job effectively on monday morning than drinking a 12 pack on sunday evening does. But I can drink the brews because my employer a definitively tell if I am under the influence of alcohol RIGHT NOW.

Your #2 point is something I disagree with. I raise my kids to be moral...not all laws are based on morality. I would much rather a child be able to make decision based on what they think is right or wrong morally, than to have a child follow all laws blindly.

Your #3 point is simply inaccurate. Kids get ticketed and prosecuted all the time for violating alcohol/nicotine laws.

And the thing about making the prom date pee in the cup......are you gonna make him take a breathalizer under this same logic?

BTW MG....I almost always agree with you...just not on this one bruh. Way to many good and potentially productive members of our society are imprisoned for non-violent drug law violations. And I'm sick of footing the bill for that incarceration
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