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Old 10-03-2011, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by alexm View Post
Was fishing with a friend and his 7 year old son last weekend.

With 2 licensed adults and 1 unlicensed child the in boat (was puking, not fishing, but the question remains), does that make three "limits" for the entire boat, two, or one catch limit per person?

It didn't matter that day, but I'm still curious.

You are only supposed to keep YOUR limit, if lil' one did not catch HIS limit, and you come back with 3 limits then you can get in trouble. Not gonna happen, but you can. Just like 'party hunting' for ducks. Technically, you can only shoot your limit, but most people just throw em all in the general limit for the blind, but you can get in trouble if it was pursued
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