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Old 04-14-2018, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
My outlook is this
Something is better than nothing .
We are the only state that can call running water private due to an imagery line.

With the added amendments to this bill it is right on pace to work for everyone .
The duck hunters will get there privacy during duck season .
Land owners can keep collecting there 100k a year marsh leases .
And state can collect on permits by the land owners.
Win /Win for everyone !!

Make Louisiana sportsman Paridise Great Again !!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Except you can?t stop and fish those waters. Only navigate through them. What part of the wording of the bill don?t y?all understand? This is NOT a win for fishermen. This is going to be a cluster once this passes. Gonna be nothing but fights on the water with those (security guards) who patrol for the big oil companies and land owners. You know, the ones who run fishermen off and call the sheriff dept on them.

Both sides are gonna be interpreting the law their own way. That?s why we need SPECIFIC wording in the bill. It does not have it. Our politicians arent going to do it. They want to be liked by both sides. (Please resume your normal Louisiana politics)
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