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Old 08-17-2013, 09:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Goooh View Post
MG, I'm pretty confident that given the real side effects and threats of pot, if pot had been legal your entire life and they were pushing for a ban as opposed to legalization, your argument would be totally opposite - it would be an absolute infringement on civil liberties.

Since you are accustomed to it being illegal, and have been indoctrinated to believe that it is a horrible drug, having it remain illegal doesn't strike you as a threat to liberty.

The stuff is no more dangerous to others as the junk in the drive through, not is it any more of a threat to our health care costs.
I have much more personal experience and direct evidence than you realize with the ability of cannabis and other drugs to ruin people's lives.

If I had anything approaching my experience and evidence regarding the ability of super-sized fries and big macs to ruin lives like recreational drugs, I'd be leading the charge to regulate McDonalds.

Drugs destroy lives.
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