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Old 06-18-2012, 02:28 PM
Smalls Smalls is offline
King Mackeral
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If that marsh supplies the lake with so much food, there should be more fish than water behind the weirs. That's not the case. Does it supply the lake with some of the food supply? Ok, I will give you that. But to say that that marsh is the sole support of the lake, is a huge overstatement. But maybe it is, and if that is the case, the clearly you are not concerned with the long-term good for the ENTIRE SYSTEM. Not just the fishery, but the ENTIRE SYSTEM. You are not going to maintain that marsh if you leave those weirs open all the time. It is not possible. It will not remain productive because it will convert to salt marsh, then mudflats, then open water, which is not good for the WHOLE. The only argument you have made this entire time is from a FISHERY stand point. Well, you can't maintain a FISHERY without HABITAT. That MARSH is the HABITAT for the FISHERY. You have made that point several times. Short-term sacrifice for long-term sustainability.

Last edited by Smalls; 06-18-2012 at 02:31 PM. Reason: edit
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