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Old 11-19-2013, 10:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Finfeatherfur View Post
Feel free to walk in our shoes and see who overracts! I love how the deputy was called to the scene, but yet he is the bad guy here. He didn't just pick this piece of property to drive to, get out, and wait for TWO armed subjuects. He was called there and has TWO guys with guns. Yes, they were hunting, but how does he know that????
4 points of view:

From sheriff's standpoint:
2 armed subjects + unknown vehicle + NIGHT time = I would be a little more 'edgy' in the sheriff's shoes. No written permission, they tried to call landowner and no answer, so they were just following procedure

From MarshRats standpoint:
Didn't really do anything wrong or at least anything he hasn't done in the past, the unknown vehicle is what prompted this. Probably should have had written permission OR if his buddy would have answered the phone 1st time it would have been cleared up quickly

From W's standpoint:
Doesn't matter, the weirs are open so don't care bout nothing else

From MathGeek's standpoint:
This is clearly a violation of Amendment X,Y,or Z and the sheriff's department should be sued and held accountable for harassment and badges should be taken away from them. They should be tarred and feathered publicly as this is clearly an example of DRACONIAN SANCTIONS!

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