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Old 10-07-2009, 03:11 PM
yak'em-n-stack'em's Avatar
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yes we have 3 everyone else has 9.

we need to get the northern states to release more sediment from their dams, we need to get rid of the levees at least south of NOLA or create some huge sediment diversions

The only usuable sediment that comes down the river is only in the river for 15% of the year. The problem is the Corp of Eng. They dont want to change, they have their idea and thats it.

Plus its hard to get federal money because someone in cali or new york or maine doesnt see why their tax dollars need to come down here, they think they need it more.

Trust me, you may see me in public office one day fighting for these things simply because im tired of the lies and excuses
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