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Old 12-17-2013, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Goooh View Post
Everything was "greater"when we were younger, the older I get the more realistic I get. Maybe it has a little to do with people just not realizing that? Maybe old timers don't hunt as much as they used to and constantly look in the sky at day break?

Anyone go back to a place you went when you were young, only to be disappointed and wonder how something so simple could be built up to the level of amazing ness in your little mind? That live oak at grandmas we used to play in turned out to be just another live oak when I got older.

The places that I used to hunt as a kid was my uncle's property. It was a brackish marsh with lots of open water, widgeon grass and the ducks loved it. Now the big hunting clubs have taken over the adjacent marsh built levees where the salt water used to come in and now the whole marsh is fresh. cattails have taken over and there is very little open water and almost no ducks. The hunting clubs have ducks but we don't. The opposite of saltwater intrusion. The big oak trees with moss in them are gone too. They cut them down to build pens for race horses. Oh well, that's progress. It's no wonder my grandsons would rather play video games.
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