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Old 10-06-2015, 08:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Smalls View Post
Unfortunately will not happen. There will always be a commission, because the public will always want a voice in the decisions. How well do you think it would go over if biologists had the sole voice is decision-making?

As a biologist myself, I'm with you. Let the expert do his job. But it never ceases to amaze me at the number of people that will second guess my scientifically based opinion just because they think they know it better. And as long as that mindset avails, biologists will never be allowed to do their job without political input. The issue is not that the public has an input via the commission. The issue is that the commission has the ability to completely ignore the biologists' suggestions, so long as they abide by the federal regulations.
When you give the scientists too much power, they are tempted to bugger the science to suggest the rules that suit their own agenda.

Or have we forgotten the folly of federal management of red snapper?

We should remain committed to a republican process, as mandated by the US Constitution. If the scientists cannot convince the voters and their elected representatives (and the commission) that their suggested approach is necessary, then the republican approach SHOULD prevail.

If the biologists want more trust, they must be more open with their data and purported science.
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