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Old 05-03-2010, 10:31 AM
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Backwards Kid's Mom Backwards Kid's Mom is offline
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"I am asking the rest of you here to please not invite your ladies"
So Mr. Medhvy, you're saying that I shouldn't have signed up? I understand what the comment was about but think maybe you need to re-word your statement. Don't throw all of us "ladies" under the bus. If you have a problem with something or someone, let it out. I hunt and fish like most of you on here and guarantee you I've hunted some mornings that most of you "guys" would have stayed in and from what I've read and seen, I can probably out fish a lot of "you men".
I enjoy reading the info and laughing at some of the crap ya'll come up with ....... but if you seriously think a lady shouldn't be on here - how 'bout I pull a W and I'll challenge you to a skeet shoot. I win, I win, you stay. Don't worry, I'm a lady so I "don't shoot much." 50 rounds - I've got the trap thrower, you name the place.
BTW......didn't Capt D's wife sign up way back? How about you give him a call and tell him she needs to remove herself?? That's what I thought. And if it was Shad Man's wife - you would have never opened your 6' 6" mouth.
Sorry if this sounds rude or ugly, but some of you guys need to think before you open your mouths.
Have a great day pookie bear.