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Old 01-20-2016, 09:33 AM
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cgoods17 cgoods17 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
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i also agree with the extra split, it would help give the birds a little break towards the end.

again, i also agree about the zones. i dont know about opening the state all at once simply because i have no clue how the east side does. but as far as the west and coastal zone.............. c'mon man!!!!!

yes this year has been one for the books. and weather is definitely to blame for the lack of results the majority of us have seen this year. BUT, i also think that habitat is playing a bigger role than people may perceive.

look at the dozen or so specks they gps'd earlier this year. only 1-2 of those birds are still in the state! if they flew all the way down here in the heat with no weather, then what all of a sudden made them leave the state? was it habitat? pressure?

there are too many variables.. the only thing we can hope for is better weather for next year.
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