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Old 06-09-2010, 08:59 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
Do we really need Environmentalist in Louisiana?

Good topic that came up today, No I don’t think we need any environmentalist here in Louisiana. Reason is what have they done? You never see them at a beach sweep or plating marsh grass. You will never find them at any project site like coastal erosion land build up. We have Biologist that gives us all the info we need from our state. So why do we pay an environmentalist? We as sportsman don’t need a scientist to tell us that were losing coast land.
How many environmentalist have you seen in the field working to restore this great state? This question asked to a Biologist and he said none that he knew of.
So why should we need them to tell us what we already know? Why do they even work in this State?
Just a question?
Seeing as I work at the Louisiana Environmental Research Center, you need environmentalists. As Americans, we need more people who have first hand experiences in the government rather than these fake politicians.

As for you never seeing one doing work anywhere, talk to my bosses. One planted grasses and sedges in areas being restored for 8 years! Also, you asked a biologist. That biologist may not be directly related to the delicate field of restoration.

So why should we tell you what you already know? Cause we're doing research and performing studies whose results could be extremely beneficial to the state of Louisiana. One thing that needs to happen would be to open ALL the levees that have been dammed off from the Mississippi River. All that extra flow from the river would be extremely beneficial to the movement of the oil.
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