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Old 01-17-2013, 08:29 PM
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Matt G Matt G is offline
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Location: Judice, LA
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I was telling my old man about the things some of y'all said on this thread and my mon reminded me of way back one morning I was sitting at the kitchen counter doing math homework while my mom was getting ready for work. She came into the kitchen to make her SlimFast..... Yes I said make..... That's back when you had to mix that $hit like Ovaltine, and that's the only reason it worked... Your arms got tired from shaking it. Anyways, she was shaking the cup when the top flew off and all the SlimFast flew all over her. As usual I started laughing at her, so she went all bipolar and grabbed my calcualor and threw it across the kitchen. I looked down at the pieces and said, "Well, so much for that math test." She started balling a$$ crying because she thought I was going to fail a test because of her. Then I broke the news to her that I didn't have a test.... I just wanted to see how mad I could make her! I guess I've always been an A$$hole!
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