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Old 04-07-2018, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by cajun bill View Post
This is a real hot potato and I can see both sides of the issue. For instance, we had a lease near Wax Lake for 30 years and when the duck hunting cratered, we began deer hunting in the woods bordering a "bayou/ditch" that was on our lease. Sometimes, we would be sitting in our stands and see bass fisherman as they trolled by. We always feared that a deer would come out between our stand and the bayou and someone would shoot and possibly hit a fisherman. We often talked to them to warn them, but it had no effect. And although we were leasing the land, they felt that the water was navigable, which it was, and therefore okay to fish. Sure seems like some compromise could be negotiated, i.e. no fishing during hunting seasonno fishing during hunting season or at least delay any fishing until 10 a.m. or something. Just saying.
Wait if I can fish in there, why can't I duck hunt?
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