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Old 11-16-2012, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Matt G View Post
I saw this this morning and was waiting to see a thread on here. I am freaking tired of people's "business and rich people are evil" crap! They give you a job and a means to support your family. What else do you want them to give you?! My boss probably makes 4 times what I do, but he worked to get to the top. He deserves it!! When I see him everyday, I don't scream at him to give me more, I thank him for what he as already given me.

Why not make a few concessions, keep your job, and let the company become financially sound again. I promise when they would get back on the right path, they would recognize what their employees did for them and pay it forward.

Good luck trying to find a job with 18,000 more unemployed people. And not to mention the fact that your name would be associated with the Union that killed an American icon.

This!!!^^^^ What many 99%'s and, sometimes unions fail to realize is that when their day is done on the job, they go home and don't worry about P&L statements, whether or not the business ins premiums spike or, if the light bill will get paid. Most owners take a huge risk by becoming an owner...It's called everything they own! I think, for sticking your neck out there on the line, you should be rewarded more than the guy who comes in at 8am already asking if it's close enough to 5pm to knock off. Business owners aren't evil. They support a lot of people...Until people get greedy. In short, if I can't make money operating my business, what's the point of mortgaging everything I own on it?
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