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Old 04-11-2010, 10:35 AM
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Gottogo49 Gottogo49 is offline
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The Northwest corner of Black Lake is posted private. It wasn't dug by the State, just coastal erosion. I'm sure that Ray knows who owns the mineral rights to all those oil wells in Black Lake. Could the whole lake be posted? Who owns the mineral rights to the well heads in North Calcasieu Lake? Could that be posted? Sticky Wicket. In my humble opinion, if the waters of the State flow into it you should have access. If the landowner wants it to be private, dam it up. That's what they did along the salt ditch, dammed it up. We would have to stay out of the coastal marshes during hunting season. Here's another fun one, can a wharf owner legally ask you to move away from his lights at night? Why can't we all just share and get along? It's not human nature.
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