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Old 11-20-2016, 12:40 AM
tigerhead tigerhead is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Deer Park, TX
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I just want to die laughing when people call marijuana a gateway drug. I would bet my first born child that more people tried pot and a lot of other drugs for the first time, WHEN THEY WERE DRUNK! Alcohol use has led to more teen pregnancies, fist fights, shootings, stabbings, car wrecks, home wrecks, and so on, than any other drug on the planet. Hell, it even led to a ship wreck! (Exxon Valdez). Yet people continue to defend alcohol use and preach the evils of marijuana? It's laughable. Almost anyone who has smoked pot to any extent, without being drunk, will tell you that pot is by far the less dangerous drug.

Granted, it would be a great thing if no one ever felt the need or the want to do drugs or drink, but that just isn't going to happen. All through history, even in "the good ole days", people sought out intoxicating or mind altering substances for various reasons, and that ain't going away. If you want to condemn the use of any drug, including alcohol, preach it brother! I have no axe to grind with you.

I do have to say that I too have been close to more than one situation where the medicinal or cathartic effects of marijuana helped someone through a very difficult illness or emotionally stressful time in their life. I'm reluctant to use the term "God send", but it certainly appeared that way.
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