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Old 07-01-2016, 12:40 PM's Avatar is offline
Trophy Trout
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Texas
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The green alcohol is wintergreen .. I think you can get it at Walmart and Walgreens etc.

Peroxide and Povidone Iodine are the best. Bleach works to kill most of it but can cause some unneeded tissue damage. Any indication of infection get to doc fast and tell them you've been in saltwater and for them to look for flesh eating bacteria. This way they'll look for the really bad stuff.

Most of the runoff just increases things like e coli amounts in the water. It can increase the occurrence of flesh eating bacteria (Vibrio species). Fish and shrimp and anything that lives in the water is always going to have bacteria living on it anyway. Any poke from a fish or shrimp could result in an infection at any time (may or may not be flesh eating bacteria). There is reduced chance in colder months, the bacteria counts increase during warmer months and seem to be exacerbated by runoff due to organic and chemical loads in the run off. Also, while the counts are higher after rain and heavy runoff, the water always has bacteria and single cell organisms. I guess what I'm saying is... it's always there, we fish in it everyday without alarm, and don't let it stop you from going fishing. Just be smart about it, keep the above items on your boat and know what the signs / symptoms of flesh eating bacteria are.

I wouldn't go in the water with an open wound though (same even if it's scabbed over). And or if you have a weakened immune system be extra careful. Those with diabetes, compromised immune system, or reduced liver function are the most at risks.

Like I said, just be smart about it. Go fishing.
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