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Old 08-22-2014, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by bgizzle View Post
two years ago me n a buddy sat in my truck near a rest pond that they were eating the crap out of and heard em do something like it. Maybe not 3 or 4 notes but it was like they were trying to quack but they were choking. 1 or 2 notes. The way I think of it is when food goes down our throat wrong we choke and if they do it too why wouldn't they associate it with food? It's hard to think that it'd be true or that it's something that could work for most true hunters I think because ppl have had so much success without putting it into perspective for so long. But, my grandpaw told me when he was still alive, that the reason why he tuned his calls to be so raspy was bc that's what ducks sounded like when they were eating rice. Idk just a thought.

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I think it's the sound of ducks laughing at us when they know they are in a rest pond. I've heard what you are talking about before and I thought it was an echo causing that.
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