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Old 04-12-2015, 11:24 AM
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fonikoddity fonikoddity is offline
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Lake Charles
Posts: 180
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Finding the fish on a consistent basis is part of being a great fisherman. It also doesn't come by instinct or general patterns that we all study. A major part of it is time on the water.

Now you have this experience in your memory bank (or logbook if you keep one) to recall the next time you have similar conditions.

Nothing beats experience!

I was a career musician for years and could put little to no effort into a performance and no one noticed because I'd done it a thousand times. I wouldn't expect someone with a few music lessons to do the same thing. On the other hand, there are times I go fishing and catch little to nothing, and also times where I do really well (I'm still learning lessons).

I understand your frustration with figuring out the fish right before it's time to go, but if all one considers worth his time and money is catching limits (which I'm certainly not saying you do, so please take no offense), they'll be disappointed and won't enjoy their time on the water. That's the reason I do this in the first place, but I've never been accused of being normal.

Now go take out a 2nd mortgage on your house and take as many trips as you can with your flexible schedule!
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