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Old 03-31-2010, 04:28 PM
eman eman is offline
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Originally Posted by LaAngler View Post
numbers/limits are going to drop as our marshes are washed away
He's right weather you want to believe it or not.
I had a great time talking to one of the scientest that studies coastal errosion and we both had the same thoughts .
Louisiana may have waited to long to really do anything about our loss of wet lands.
The only thing that would REALLY help would be to wipe out all the levees below New orleans and let the river build up marsh.
The ammount of trout we have is in direct correlation w/ the ammount of marsh (nursery grounds ) we have.
As the marsh erodes it makes the water more fertile for the trout spawn.
But at some point the ammount of marsh we lose will affect the trout population negativly.
Don't know how to make them pretty graphs but if you draw a diagonal X ,
the top left is marsh errosion. The bottom left is trout recruitment .
marsh erodes ,trout population goes up
all of a sudden at a certian point in the process the flip occurs
instead of marsh errosion helping it now becomes the problem .
now the top right is marsh errosion and the bottom right is the decline
in our trout stocks. Need more evidence look at florida and texas.
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