Thread: RNC - Trump
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Old 07-25-2016, 08:36 AM
cajun bill cajun bill is offline
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Originally Posted by Goooh View Post
This is the problem, everyone accepts this broken system as the way. The fact that there isn't a revolt because of how we are forced into 2 candidates is telling of our state, not the fact that people lien one or the other.

This sty stem is a joke and is designed to give the illusion of participation by the population having any impact.

Any idea how many independents are registered? That's an interesting percentage to stumble across - when you find it think about how it can be what it is yet we end up with theses jokesters on the right and left.
All good info Goooh, but the fact remains that for this election, Trump is our only rational choice. Until an independent movement catches fire, our choices are limited unfortunately. The last time we had a chance to affect the outcome was with the Tea Party movement and while that "movement" is still viable, it appears to me that it has been assimilated into the Republican party. At least we got rid of Boehner although I'm not so impressed with Ryan either, so far. IMHO, Cruz was our best shot at getting something significant done this election, but the peeps became so enamored with Trump and his so called "message" that he became unbeatable.
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