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Old 07-17-2017, 07:29 PM
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Default Burns Hyacinth Cutter??

I found this picture today. Supposedly a commercial fisherman uses it to clear a lane through the lilies. I don't have any more details.
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Old 07-17-2017, 11:59 PM
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I would love to see that thing in action.
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Old 07-18-2017, 07:38 AM
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Old 07-18-2017, 08:01 AM
Feesherman Feesherman is offline
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Originally Posted by Cajun87 View Post

That's a beast. Wonder if it will eat up cattails.
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Old 07-18-2017, 12:02 PM
Gerald Gerald is offline
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Originally Posted by Gerald View Post
I would love to see that thing in action.

And now I have seen it ..... wow.

I wonder if the blades would break if [when] you hit a log?

I bet there would be a bunch of duck or deer lease hunter that like to have trails cut so that they could get to more areas in there lease.
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Old 07-19-2017, 08:00 AM
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I know I'd pay in a heartbeat for someone to run that through my lease.
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Old 07-19-2017, 08:16 AM
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Hopefully, Miami will do something about the hyacinth problem in the main canals.
And it IS a problem.
It's such a great fishery, I hate to see it go down like this.
I'd be willing to pay more for a permit, if need be.

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Old 07-20-2017, 08:24 AM
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Buddy of mine has one and uses it to make trails in the marsh. His is set up a little different but its serves the same purpose. Each blade spins opposite of the other and it digs a trail 2ft wide and 2ft deep. Goes through anything in the marsh.
He called it a chipmunk or something. I'll have to ask him again to make sure.

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Old 07-20-2017, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by T-Boo View Post
Hopefully, Miami will do something about the hyacinth problem in the main canals.
And it IS a problem.
It's such a great fishery, I hate to see it go down like this.
I'd be willing to pay more for a permit, if need be.

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You think Miami cares about the fishery and the income it produces versus the income they get from duck leases?

I'd be curious to know how many permits sell. I know I've seen the permit numbers in the 700s but I'd be shocked if they actually sold 700 permits..

Kinda the same argument with Lacassine pool, it's a duck refuge and bass fishing is just a plus. But yeah I agree with you about paying a little more to have canals maintained

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Old 07-21-2017, 05:08 AM
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Originally Posted by BGcoreg View Post
You think Miami cares about the fishery and the income it produces versus the income they get from duck leases?

I'd be curious to know how many permits sell. I know I've seen the permit numbers in the 700s but I'd be shocked if they actually sold 700 permits..

Kinda the same argument with Lacassine pool, it's a duck refuge and bass fishing is just a plus. But yeah I agree with you about paying a little more to have canals maintained

Despite my griping about hyacinth, I'm still really just glad they still let us pay to fish their property.
700 permits x $40/permit = $28,000.
I'm pretty sure that's chump change to a large company like Miami. It probably pays for the annual Christmas party or something.
I'm sure they own machinery that handles the stuff. And it's only a real problem in the main canals.
Is it possible that the Burns is a better bass fishery than a hunting ground for ducks? I don't duck hunt. Is hyacinth good for duck hunting?

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Old 07-21-2017, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by T-Boo View Post
Despite my griping about hyacinth, I'm still really just glad they still let us pay to fish their property.
700 permits x $40/permit = $28,000.
I'm pretty sure that's chump change to a large company like Miami. It probably pays for the annual Christmas party or something.
I'm sure they own machinery that handles the stuff. And it's only a real problem in the main canals.
Is it possible that the Burns is a better bass fishery than a hunting ground for ducks? I don't duck hunt. Is hyacinth good for duck hunting?

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Good question, if it's a better fishery then Its louisiana's best kept secret haha. And I don't believe ducks use hyacinth for anything.

Isn't there a phone number on the permit? I'd be curious to know what kinda answer you'd get if you made a serious complaint about the canals being blocked

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Old 07-21-2017, 08:58 AM
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Default Miami Canals

Far as I know, the trappers that have each section spray their own canals and they must provide their own chemicals too. Fur and alligator hides used to be worth enough that it was worth the trappers spending money and labor to spray all the trails so they could access their lease to set let traps or alligator lines. Now fur is worthless and alligator hides nearly so. So way less incentive for the trappers to get out there and spray so he can lose money this fall and winter.

BTW if you think Miami cares about duck leases then apparently you have never leased from them. Fishing and hunting is just a drop in the bucket compared to oil royalty and pipeline.

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Old 07-21-2017, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by CameronHunter View Post
Far as I know, the trappers that have each section spray their own canals and they must provide their own chemicals too. Fur and alligator hides used to be worth enough that it was worth the trappers spending money and labor to spray all the trails so they could access their lease to set let traps or alligator lines. Now fur is worthless and alligator hides nearly so. So way less incentive for the trappers to get out there and spray so he can lose money this fall and winter.

BTW if you think Miami cares about duck leases then apparently you have never leased from them. Fishing and hunting is just a drop in the bucket compared to oil royalty and pipeline.


yea my grandmothers brother (great uncle?) has had a lease on little chenier road for many many years. that marsh on south side is where i cut my teeth hunting and same for my dad.

i believe it is a section and half.. but you cant even find a decent rice field blind for the price they pay for that lease. its crazy how cheap.
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Old 07-28-2017, 04:08 PM
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Hunting lease and fishing permits make up aout 1-2% of the company's total revenue stream. They don't really care about hunters or fishermen.
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Old 08-08-2017, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Matt G View Post
I know I'd pay in a heartbeat for someone to run that through my lease.

Well, made a run to the lease this past weekend and looks like this contraption might be the only way I can make it to my ponds. The hyacinth is THICK THICK in the canals. We had 2 Prodrives and could only make it a couple hundred yards out of a 2-1/2 mile run.

If anyone knows this guy someone else with one of these cutters who could make a run to Grand Chenier, let me know.
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Old 08-08-2017, 04:33 PM
Fishalot Fishalot is offline
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Matt, you and your Dad could build this Man!
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Old 08-08-2017, 07:49 PM
cajun bill cajun bill is offline
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Originally Posted by CameronHunter View Post
Far as I know, the trappers that have each section spray their own canals and they must provide their own chemicals too. Fur and alligator hides used to be worth enough that it was worth the trappers spending money and labor to spray all the trails so they could access their lease to set let traps or alligator lines. Now fur is worthless and alligator hides nearly so. So way less incentive for the trappers to get out there and spray so he can lose money this fall and winter.

BTW if you think Miami cares about duck leases then apparently you have never leased from them. Fishing and hunting is just a drop in the bucket compared to oil royalty and pipeline.

We had a lease near Wax Lake for 30 years and while the prices weren't outrageous (compared to those at Pecan Island), we received "zero" support from Miami when we had problems. I threw in the towel about 10 years ago.
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