Decided to go play with the baitcaster a bit this morning (I'm a spinning reel die-hard, trying to become a convert).
Launched from I-10 @ 8AM. Maybe 10-12 trailers when I got there.
Tried jigging the stumps in the canals near the ramp for a bit. Got a few tiny bream nibbles, but no fish in the boat.
Spent the next 2 hours or so bank casting a black/char double spinner, stopping to jig the cover along the way.
Ended up with 4 bass in the 8-11" range. 3 came off the same point in 6-7' of water. 1 from banging the banks along the canal.
Had 2 "big hits" on the spinner, but I assume they were gar (hit like a truck, big pull, nothing hooked). Plus, the water in that area looked a bit stagnant with scum bubbles.
Back in the truck by 11 and off the water before the ski boat armada was out in full force. I knew because I had to sit in line while 3-4 in front of me hogged the ramp loading ice chests, taking off transom straps, doing motor repair on the ramp, etc... Home by noon to watch the saints kick the crap out of the Bucs.
Saw an 8+ foot gator as well. Biggest I think I've ever run across out there. Couldn't snag him with the spinner, fortunately for me.
Still beats the hell out of sleeping in.