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Old 04-16-2014, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by mr crab View Post
Who stands to benefit from the average joe only keeping 5 triples or 15 trout instead of 25? And why would he be willing to pay big money for it? I think this answer is the beginning of the solution.
Average Joe truly believes that he is doing his part for conservation by embracing the new limits. Giving money justifies the right for him to harvest fish/game. Look at DU and Delta...the more ya give the more you might be able to shoot!
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Old 04-16-2014, 12:58 PM
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Originally Posted by mr crab View Post how does LWF comission directly benefit monetarily from decreasing the limits? I've been thinking about this for a while....can't figure it out....Could there be very wealthy fishermen and or guides willing to make large contributions to CCA and politicians campaign funds just so they can say they caught a limit? This seems unlikely to me...but its the best I've come up with. Who stands to benefit from the average joe only keeping 5 triples or 15 trout instead of 25? And why would he be willing to pay big money for it?
I really think they believe that they know what is best for everybody, so they will use their influence to "help" the state
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Old 04-16-2014, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by mr crab View Post how does LWF comission directly benefit monetarily from decreasing the limits? I've been thinking about this for a while....can't figure it out....
Well let's see. As we all know there are good great and stinky years,there are good great and stinky days. Drop the limit on a stinky day year and in the next great good day year saturate the water with patroles and rack up on fines. Oops I miss counted by one fish osifer and you pay hefty fine and at the rate it's going the fine will increese too. I wonder why w&f needs so many bullets they have requested.? In my day flack jackets and armed patrols were never seen . Has regulation gotten so tight the people are fighting back?
I wonder as mentioned too many organizations involved in one.

So I support the law that if you work for any branch of LWF you can belong to no other organization due to conflict of intrest and jail time pen. An fines. Not even the boyscouts. Let's limit there associations as they limit my meals.

Stop the armed patrols

Set a moratorium on new regulations and allow only new regs with sound multi year data.

Allow the natural flow of water to return to areas and stop the stoppage without sound data

Make them educate the public by only allowing expenditure of funding for news paper articals and commercials about species as they might educate themselves more.

Heck I have not run into a LWF agent unarmed or armed that could give the same info other than call this number. What use is that other than a hired gun and phone book. I'm not jokeing and if you are WLF and you have your feelings hurt becouse of that statement then I'm sorry don't tase me bro.

Lastly has every one in a government position traded common sence for a pay check. Or there respect for other living humans for a screwed up law.

Shame shame shame lets fix this and if it were to happen from within I might gain respect again but to use enforcement to make money and laws to increese inforcement then dang it's hopeless now.

I am so worried that one day ,might not be in my life time but just the stepping aboard a boat will constitute the intention to go fishing and you go to jail . Is itmy intention to catch fish yes . Is it my intention to follow the rules yes as best I can as there are so many conflicting . Is it my intention to follow the laws ...I better as the rules are now laws inforced with guns.
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Old 04-16-2014, 02:26 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
Got some great news, just talked to a guide who said the weirs are all closed up, awesome full moon great tides

Choke lake out again
Evidence that the weirs are not being operated the way they were meant to.

If the weirs were operated properly, the fisheries population would not be negatively impacted. The weirs were supposed to open around new and full moon, and remain open for a period before and after the date of the full or new moon.

Sadly, that appears to not be the case.
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Old 04-16-2014, 02:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Smalls View Post
Evidence that the weirs are not being operated the way they were meant to.

If the weirs were operated properly, the fisheries population would not be negatively impacted. The weirs were supposed to open around new and full moon, and remain open for a period before and after the date of the full or new moon.

Sadly, that appears to not be the case.

Took the east bank up just now coming back in and every weir is closed shut

How are shrimp and bait fish suppose to supply the lake if you choke it to death!! If we get another summer with the life support shut off were going to be in a world of hurt
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Old 04-16-2014, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
Took the east bank up just now coming back in and every weir is closed shut

How are shrimp and bait fish suppose to supply the lake if you choke it to death!! If we get another summer with the life support shut off were going to be in a world of hurt
Just heard the same thing. That is unreal. All the recent rains and strong north winds and they are closed. If they aren't open now, when are they ever going to be open?
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Old 04-16-2014, 04:25 PM
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Aren't "experts" controlling the weirs?
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Old 04-16-2014, 04:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Natural Light Kid View Post
Aren't "experts" controlling the weirs?
High school kids
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Old 04-16-2014, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Natural Light Kid View Post
Aren't "experts" controlling the weirs?
Don't know who has control now, but it shouldn't matter who it is. There is a plan that was written that isn't being followed. Simple as that.
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Old 04-16-2014, 07:44 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
High school kids
I was an "expert" in high school lol.
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Old 04-16-2014, 11:14 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
Took the east bank up just now coming back in and every weir is closed shut

How are shrimp and bait fish suppose to supply the lake if you choke it to death!! If we get another summer with the life support shut off were going to be in a world of hurt
Did anyone call to find out why the weir is closed at Grand bayou or do you just like to get mad?

This closure is only temporary [2 1/2 days] due to expected strong north winds that would cause excessive drainage from the marsh due to very low water level in the lake.

It is scheduled to be opened on Friday.
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Old 04-16-2014, 11:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Gerald View Post
Did anyone call to find out why the weir is closed at Grand bayou or do you just like to get mad?

This closure is only temporary [2 1/2 days] due to expected strong north winds that would cause excessive drainage from the marsh due to very low water level in the lake.

It is scheduled to be opened on Friday.
Not the point

The rule is for them to be open on full and new moon

Last night was full moon and they closed then yesterday afternoon
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Old 04-17-2014, 06:30 AM
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that would let too much salt in and kill the mosquitoes
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Old 04-17-2014, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
Not the point

The rule is for them to be open on full and new moon

Last night was full moon and they closed then yesterday afternoon

There are no set, steadfast rules. Its an adaptive management plan, set in place to manage the marsh, not the fishery. Is the fishery managed as well? Of course it is, but the primary objective of the weirs was to manage salinities in the marsh.

Typically, the weirs would open around the moons to allow ingress and egress. But the conditions were not right for that initially.

How did this thread degrade into another "W hate weirs" discussion? Who said the word "weirs"?
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Old 04-17-2014, 09:35 AM
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Smalls, Don't confuse them with facts!!!!! LOL
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Old 04-17-2014, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Smalls View Post
There are no set, steadfast rules. Its an adaptive management plan, set in place to manage the marsh, not the fishery. Is the fishery managed as well? Of course it is, but the primary objective of the weirs was to manage salinities in the marsh.

Typically, the weirs would open around the moons to allow ingress and egress. But the conditions were not right for that initially.

How did this thread degrade into another "W hate weirs" discussion? Who said the word "weirs"?
I'm not sure why they built the levee and put the weirs in, so I won't try to act like I know. However, I feel like the marsh versus the lake should come into play. It seems to me that the lake is hurting far more from having the weirs put in than the marsh would hurt without them. If, and I said if, the weirs were put in to manage the grasses in the marsh in order to help attract waterfowl and other bird species, I feel that is far less important than choking off the lake of one of it's major bait sources. Waterfowl have the whole gulf coast to find marshes and farmlands to thrive in. The fish have one lake, and if they cannot find food they will not be there.

I really hope there is more to the weirs than I can understand, because as of now they seem to be a bust in my opinion. Sabine has no weirs, and everytime i fish it in late winter the marshes off of the east bank of Sabine are loaded with teal, greys, pintail, widgeon, and mottle ducks. There is also plenty of grass in the marshes off of Sabine.

Since the weirs, we have seen a huge redfish kill a few years back, and trout fishing diminish more and more every year. I sure hope the ducks are thick back there, because they were really thick in that marsh before the weirs.

Someone please explain the benefit of the weirs to this point, and all of the reasons for the weirs being there.
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Old 04-17-2014, 10:32 AM
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Weirs nothing more than Lake Killer!!

Rita took em out for a reason!!
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Old 04-17-2014, 10:35 AM
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Originally Posted by noodle creek View Post
I'm not sure why they built the levee and put the weirs in, so I won't try to act like I know. However, I feel like the marsh versus the lake should come into play. It seems to me that the lake is hurting far more from having the weirs put in than the marsh would hurt without them. If, and I said if, the weirs were put in to manage the grasses in the marsh in order to help attract waterfowl and other bird species, I feel that is far less important than choking off the lake of one of it's major bait sources. Waterfowl have the whole gulf coast to find marshes and farmlands to thrive in. The fish have one lake, and if they cannot find food they will not be there.

I really hope there is more to the weirs than I can understand, because as of now they seem to be a bust in my opinion. Sabine has no weirs, and everytime i fish it in late winter the marshes off of the east bank of Sabine are loaded with teal, greys, pintail, widgeon, and mottle ducks. There is also plenty of grass in the marshes off of Sabine.

Since the weirs, we have seen a huge redfish kill a few years back, and trout fishing diminish more and more every year. I sure hope the ducks are thick back there, because they were really thick in that marsh before the weirs.

Someone please explain the benefit of the weirs to this point, and all of the reasons for the weirs being there.

The purpose is for rich duck hunters to have wedgion grass for hunting season
That is 100% fact

For years the weirs stayed open year around never being closed off until duck hunters started having bad years and pumped money into a control issue that they needed Wedgion grass for duck hunting

Now Wedgion grass > estuary
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Old 04-17-2014, 11:03 AM
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Preventing marsh destruction by limiting saltwater intrusion is a long term win for all stakeholders.

The challenge is doing it in a way that allows a high level of flow between the lake and marsh.

Right now, the flow between the lake and Gulf are too high. The high salinity levels and large tidal fluctuations in the lake are problematic if the coupling between the lake and marsh are higher (weirs open more).

The answer is reducing the flow and coupling between the lake and Gulf. One option is a saltwater barrier at the pass. I think a better option is lining each side of the channel with a solid rock barrier with only a few shallow cuts to allow passage of recreational boats. The system is too dynamic to have sharp demarcations between fresh and salt water. The ship channel can be the saltiest. The lake more brackish, and the marsh more on the fresh side.

Had the weirs been opened on Tue night, the extreme low tide would have allowed all the water to drain out and the following high tides would have pushed way too much salt back into the marsh. We need a plan that will allow the weirs to be opened 7-21 days each month. The present high level of coupling between the lake and the Gulf is much too high for that.
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Old 04-17-2014, 11:19 AM
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We need something like the fish ladders they use on dams to keep the salmon migration flowing.

Water is controlled, bait flows back and forth.
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