Dularge Trout/Redfish On Fire!
Sunday Morning Slam! Another great day on the DU! Enjoyed a beautiful full moon boat ride as the fog was not as bad as forecast. We arrived at our first location and the trout started eating up at sunrise. Mike & Dan Kosiba along with Ken Trull joined me for an incredible day of 'catching'! The crew enjoyed whacking the trout with double & triple hookups until mid morning. All caught on LSU chubs with the fish averaging 14-18in. The guys wanted to catch & release and they did a lot of it yesterday. By 9:00 AM we caught between 70-75 trout and the guys wanted to switch over to the reds. We kept 50 nice trout as I can use them for meals for customers at the camp. After making a short move to 'redfish country' the guys started having fun with the reds. Fishing until 1:00PM we caught another 30 plus redfish on the LSU chubs. The reds were very active and eating up the chubs big time. Plenty of double hook ups for the guys and they just loved it! Big numbers of fish and the best of both worlds for Mike and his crew with their first of 3 days starting out with a bang! ............Big thanks to Capts Gerald Ellender & Travis Lovell Fri,Sat & Sun, (who also caught nice boxes of fish) with Lance Byrd, Continental Land, & Ken Bradly and crew.
Good luck fishing!
Capt Bill Lake