Well, I'm not an expert on the subject (I know a few guys that are), but ill take a crack at it.
If you think about the comparison of doe days versus reduced limit, there is a big difference.
By reducing the limit and leaving the season as is, you still leave the opportunity to harvest a lot of does. Plus, I doubt you would see them lower the limit in one part of the state. I wish they would go to something similar to Texas with limits based on different parts of the state, but we will see if that happens.
By going to limited doe days, you limit the number of opportunities to take does out of the population. It may not be that doe numbers have declined severely either. It could be the fawn mortality that dictated it. If the mortality rate has been high, they might want to try and reduce the doe harvest to increase recruitment. Like I said, I'm no expert, just a couple of hypotheses.
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