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Old 04-04-2015, 10:49 PM
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Default New Ascend 128T

Recently picked up a new Ascend 128T with the intent that my son will fish a lot with it and other family members might use it to ferry out baits form the beach.

My son (140 lbs, 5'6", 14 yo) gets around easily in it and likes it a lot. It's bigger and heavier than other yaks we tried which is more work on calm lakes but should hold up better in salt water locations.

The yak sits pretty low in the water with me (220 lbs, 6'2") in it. Wind is not a problem, we'll see how it fares in tides and wakes.

As many net reviews have mentioned, the yak has a lot of storage access that leaks a bit and is in need of caulking. But the seat is about the best we tried, a bit high for paddling, but very nice and comfortable for fishing or long days on the water.

Hopefully, this yak will serve this young man well for many years and get him through high school and college until he is earning his own money and decides what kind of boat he wants to buy.
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Old 04-05-2015, 07:53 AM
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Looks good man. I bet he is pumped.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:27 AM
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What kind of life jacket is that in the second picture (I assume that I'd you)?

It doesn't look like the standard life vests that have straps over each shoulder.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Mako19 View Post
What kind of life jacket is that in the second picture (I assume that I'd you)?

It doesn't look like the standard life vests that have straps over each shoulder.
It's a Stearns. I bought it a decade or so ago for canoeing and have worn it a lot in our 16 ft Alumacraft also. It is very cool and comfortable.

It does have a strap over each shoulder. Somehow between the angle, the folds in my shirt, and the compression algorithm applied by the forum, one of the straps disappeared in the photo.

I'm a stickler for life jackets, and I always have on on in a boat, even on the hottest days in July and August. This one has worked very well both in the hot months and also in the cold and wet when I've put outerwear over it.
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