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View Poll Results: Should Louisiana Legalize Drugs?
Marijuana only, and only for adults. Still a felony to provide to minors. 26 48.15%
Marijuana only for adults, reduced penalties for access to minors. 5 9.26%
Legalize all drugs for consenting adults. 6 11.11%
No changes to current Louisiana drugs laws. 15 27.78%
Reduce penalty for first time marijuana users: no jail time. 2 3.70%
Voters: 54. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 08-20-2013, 11:47 AM
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In my first post, I clearly stated that most federal drug laws are an overreach of federal power, and most drug regulation should be a state issue. Referring to marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug is a reference to federal law.

The intrastate possession and use (recreational or medical) of drugs within Louisiana should be under the authority of the State of Louisiana regulated by the discretion of the Louisiana legislature in accordance with Constitutional due process.

Can the Louisiana legislature reasonably choose to follow the federal lead if it determines that accords with the best available scientific information and the best interests of its citizens? YES.

Can the Louisiana legislature reasonably choose to deviate from the federal lead if it determines that accords with the best available scientific information and the best interests of its citizens? YES, but I hope they give due consideration to the possible retribution from the feds if they do.

It would be quite a stretch to conclude that the majority of Louisiana voters support marijuana legalization from either national surveys or a non-scientific SaltyCajun survey with < 100 responses.

God bless Louisiana.
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Old 08-20-2013, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
In my first post, I clearly stated that most federal drug laws are an overreach of federal power, and most drug regulation should be a state issue. Referring to marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug is a reference to federal law.

The intrastate possession and use (recreational or medical) of drugs within Louisiana should be under the authority of the State of Louisiana regulated by the discretion of the Louisiana legislature in accordance with Constitutional due process.

Can the Louisiana legislature reasonably choose to follow the federal lead if it determines that accords with the best available scientific information and the best interests of its citizens? YES.

Can the Louisiana legislature reasonably choose to deviate from the federal lead if it determines that accords with the best available scientific information and the best interests of its citizens? YES, but I hope they give due consideration to the possible retribution from the feds if they do.

It would be quite a stretch to conclude that the majority of Louisiana voters support marijuana legalization from either national surveys or a non-scientific SaltyCajun survey with < 100 responses.

God bless Louisiana.
Can't say it's surprising that you find little merit in your science experiment, with a poll of the typically conservation fishing community here at SaltyCajun.

Generally speaking one should give fair consideration to all forms of results, So that one can further refine their testing method and thereby end in a solution that will have the greatest positive impact.

I'm sure if the numbers had been ones which you were hoping for you would probably be looking at it as a resounding success.

And really all the people here who have not supported your message, are very diverse lot, They have advocated from positions of having previously used, to current use, to having never used. They advocate from positions discussing the benefits of this drug as a medicine, as a tool for adult relaxation, as a boost to economy. They advocated in light of the harms that will be removed with legalization like reduction in the powerbase of organized crime / cartels, like less lives being sucked into the criminal world because of a simple mistake on the part of a child. They are Cajuns, Acadien's, Louisianian's (i even think there's a partially sane californian around somewhere) ..... They are American and they are America.

And the exact same thing can be said of those who disagree with legalization.

I'm proud of this discussion, and have faith that the right things will start happening, perhaps a little slower than some would be happiest with, but so be it.

Wait and see never cuts it, by refusing to take action you are then making the decision to support whatever it is that you disagree with.
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Old 08-20-2013, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
In my first post, I clearly stated that most federal drug laws are an overreach of federal power, and most drug regulation should be a state issue. Referring to marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug is a reference to federal law.

The intrastate possession and use (recreational or medical) of drugs within Louisiana should be under the authority of the State of Louisiana regulated by the discretion of the Louisiana legislature in accordance with Constitutional due process.

Can the Louisiana legislature reasonably choose to follow the federal lead if it determines that accords with the best available scientific information and the best interests of its citizens? YES.

Can the Louisiana legislature reasonably choose to deviate from the federal lead if it determines that accords with the best available scientific information and the best interests of its citizens? YES, but I hope they give due consideration to the possible retribution from the feds if they do.

It would be quite a stretch to conclude that the majority of Louisiana voters support marijuana legalization from either national surveys or a non-scientific SaltyCajun survey with < 100 responses.

God bless Louisiana.
So why did you put a vote in place?
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Old 08-20-2013, 06:50 PM
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My Boy Clampy on the cover this month
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Old 08-20-2013, 06:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Clampy View Post
"There are currently over 1 million teenage cannabis dealers in the United States and almost 0 teenage alcohol dealers any policy that creates 1million teenage cannabis dealers is bad law"
- journal of common sense and reasoning
Two million registered sex offenders that exist solely because the government passed laws based upon Judeo Christian morality. What is your response to this. If it wasn't illegal they would not be criminals. So it is with all laws.
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:04 PM
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how many kids have been shot or killed over drug deals???
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
My Boy Clampy on the cover this month

I'm sorry Clampy but this is funny ah heck!
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:14 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
how many kids have been shot or killed over drug deals???
I know, it's terrible isn't it W... if only we could legalize & regulate it, maybe it wouldn't be so lucrative for drug cartels / organized crime to recruit our youth.

It's really sad so many remain just like yourself and are unwilling to change laws that will actually help reduce drug abuse, while pulling the money out from underneath the cartels / dealers.

now go make a meme indicating that i must smoke weed to be stupid enough to want to legalize...
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by hawgsquatch View Post
Two million registered sex offenders that exist solely because the government passed laws based upon Judeo Christian morality. What is your response to this. If it wasn't illegal they would not be criminals. So it is with all laws.
Go start another thread with that mess you instigator.

22 pages is the limit, any more and we run the risk of melting down the ectoplasm in the overdrive protection unit on the salty cajun servers.
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:20 PM
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That is funny " W" I can't hate on that.
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
how many kids have been shot or killed over drug deals???
How many people get shot buying beer at the store ? Ok. A few. But not that many.
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by AceArcher View Post
I know, it's terrible isn't it W... if only we could legalize & regulate it, maybe it wouldn't be so lucrative for drug cartels / organized crime to recruit our youth.

It's really sad so many remain just like yourself and are unwilling to change laws that will actually help reduce drug abuse, while pulling the money out from underneath the cartels / dealers.

now go make a meme indicating that i must smoke weed to be stupid enough to want to legalize...

legalize a drug that has ruined millions on millions of kids lives and lead them to other heavier drugs

My brother started on weed and lead him to other stuff and he will tell you that weed is what got him to try cocaine,meth and what ever the hell else he did....

Do you know the hell he caused my parents for years over this one harmless drug you call "WEED"????

Come sit with my mom for 1 hour and tell her you think weed should be legal...... Let her show you what weed did to our family ? Let her show you the money spent by both dad and mom on my brothers rehabs...

Yes now he is clean but He will stand before anyone of you and tell all of you that WEED is what lead him down the road that almost took his life
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
how many kids have been shot or killed over drug deals???
If it were legal there would be no value to it. No more need to peddle it on street corners. Hell, you would just have to go in the back yard and grab a bud from the garden next to the tomatoes and cucumbers!
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:31 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
legalize a drug that has ruined millions on millions of kids lives and lead them to other heavier drugs

My brother started on weed and lead him to other stuff and he will tell you that weed is what got him to try cocaine,meth and what ever the hell else he did....

Do you know the hell he caused my parents for years over this one harmless drug you call "WEED"????

Come sit with my mom for 1 hour and tell her you think weed should be legal...... Let her show you what weed did to our family ? Let her show you the money spent by both dad and mom on my brothers rehabs...

Yes now he is clean but He will stand before anyone of you and tell all of you that WEED is what lead him down the road that almost took his life
Case closed...

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Old 08-20-2013, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by redaddiction View Post
If it were legal there would be no value to it. No more need to peddle it on street corners. Hell, you would just have to go in the back yard and grab a bud from the garden next to the tomatoes and cucumbers!
Case really closed!

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Old 08-20-2013, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
legalize a drug that has ruined millions on millions of kids lives and lead them to other heavier drugs

My brother started on weed and lead him to other stuff and he will tell you that weed is what got him to try cocaine,meth and what ever the hell else he did....

Do you know the hell he caused my parents for years over this one harmless drug you call "WEED"????

Come sit with my mom for 1 hour and tell her you think weed should be legal...... Let her show you what weed did to our family ? Let her show you the money spent by both dad and mom on my brothers rehabs...

Yes now he is clean but He will stand before anyone of you and tell all of you that WEED is what lead him down the road that almost took his life
That's really terrible and I'm glad he's better. With 6% of population having a addictive personality is there any chance your bro could have fell into that % ? And do you think if he would have tried coke first he would have stopped right there ?
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by redaddiction View Post
If it were legal there would be no value to it. No more need to peddle it on street corners. Hell, you would just have to go in the back yard and grab a bud from the garden next to the tomatoes and cucumbers!

and then your son or daughter could pick some and bring to a party and smoke till they are high and then here come the QB with some cocaine ...
Hell why not IM HIGH already!!!! My dad grows it in his back yard!!

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Old 08-20-2013, 07:37 PM
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In all seriousness W ask your brother if he was introduced to other drugs like coke, meth etc... by the dealers he bought his weed from.

Or did he just decide all on his own to "get a new drug"
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:38 PM
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ps ... where the hell is my meme... dammit!!!!

you can photo shop the picture of the catfish in my picture into a big old joint..... comon man i aint got all day here.
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Clampy View Post
That's really terrible and I'm glad he's better. With 6% of population having a addictive personality is there any chance your bro could have fell into that % ? And do you think if he would have tried coke first he would have stopped right there ?

It falls into the people you have around you that bring you down.......

Yes Im sure he could of just been an addict but when he started smoking weed he wanted more and the only way to get more was with the ones who smoked it all the time... So now he is hanging with drug dealers and thugs just to get high and that lead to what
Stealing from his own family for money
Breaking in others homes for money
doing what ever it took to get weed....until he found that weed with cocaine was even better but more money was needed so ....You go on and steal bigger things and soo on

You spend time with mothers and fathers of teens who started on Weed and ask them if you think it should be legal
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