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Old 06-29-2014, 06:11 PM
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ImpulseFishing ImpulseFishing is offline
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Default High Winds Lead to Full Box 6-29-14

Since the weather took a turn for the worse this weekend, it was a no-brainer cancelling both Saturday and Sunday for those customers wanting speckled trout. However, when your dad tells you he is coming fishing with you at the last minute, you can't say no to the boss! Him, my uncle Todd, and Mike Vitale showed up at the camp last night and wanted trout. You can rely on weathermen and women to predict what might happen, or you can suck it up and go fishing. As my uncle Todd says, gotta go to gettum...can't catchem' at the dock! Off we went. We were in the water for 5:00 a.m. and actually had to wait 30 minutes for the Tracy Macie to arrive to her position at Rock Island. The sun cracked the horizon as we poured 200 shrimp into the livewell, the boat bobbing up and down in the 2 ft chop even in protected water. No sweat I thought, I've caught trout in worse weather and we were committed. The southbound commute was unpleasant, but the guys scoffed at the occasional 3 foot wave from the comfortable seats of the 24 Skeeter. When the motor went quiet, all was calm in the protection of the big island. The water was murky green at best but it reeked of fresh shrimp and bounced nervously with predatory life. It felt like the trout would actually cooperate today. That they did. The fire started and didn't stop till we were out of live shrimp. Numerous 11 1/2 inchers sucked down our supply of fresh bait, but when the smoke cleared 60 beefy yellowmouths went stiff in the K2. Things are looking good this week! You gotta go to know!
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